Activity #1a Reflection

Activity #1a Reflection

Pašalinti dalyviai -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

Career Results:

  1. Lifeguard
  2. Athletic Therapist
  3. Speech-Language Pathologist
  4. Dietitian
  5. Martial Arts Instructor
  6. Coach
  7. Personal Trainer
  8. Professional Athlete
  9. Public Health Nurse
  10. Child and Youth Worker
  11. Physical Education Teacher
  12. Acting Instructor
  13. Educational Assistant
  14. Nanny
  15. Mental Health Nurse
  16. Kinesiolosgist
  17. Physiotherapist
  18. Sports Instructor
  19. Religious Worker
  20. Community Worker

I feel that a lot of these results were accurate for me. Those would include anything along the line of working with medicine, sports, or teaching. Ones that I don't like are a nanny or a community worker, because in all honesty that sounds pretty boring, and just something I would not enjoy doing. So I somewhat agree with the results I got, because a lot of them are careers I am already looking at doing.