'What Animal Are You' Refelction

'What Animal Are You' Refelction

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In taking the 'What Animal Are You' test I discovered that my personality and specific attributes coinside with that of a wolf. I would have to agree with the reasoning behind the match for my actions and behaviour very closely fit the description. It is said that the wolf is srong willed and when ready to embrace the importance of teamwork they willing accept a role in their pack, whether this be a leader or simple a member of said pack. I see this behaviour in myself in my work environment as I am very team oriented. The wolf is also described as being very feirce in its emotions and able to express them through simple body language and behaviour. I also see this in myself, I readily discuss my emotions and likes or dislikes or certain issues. I find myself to be a very outspoken invidual, with the ability to accept a role in a team and learn how to curb my emotions for the betterment of our group, such a wolf under the alpha male in a pack.