scott's #1b reflection.

scott's #1b reflection.

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well for the most part i have been looking at going into welding for my career choice, i want to do this mostly because i have loved the idea of melting two peces of metal together to build what ever but for some reson it just has fascinated me on how the electricity arcs threw the rod to the plate of metal causing the rod to heat up and melt to the metal welding them together i just found it really cool and have always wanted to learn how that happens and how to do it. i have just recently switched from oil feilds high to foothill composte high just so that i could take welding class and learn how to weld and so far it has been working or fantasticly i also have conection threw my parents to get into welding with there friends companies i have also been told that when i turn 18 that one of my very very close family friends said he would take me up north to work in what ever trade i want to gointo wich will be pipeline welding but he told me he would take me now but i have to be 18 to go up there and i also need my B-pressure welding cirtificate witch i already have conections to go and get that. my plans to go further with this career choice is to go up north and get really good at gas line welding then i plan to start up my owen company hire some people and keep woorking from there make lots of money and hope to retire and have kids beffore i get to old in this life. the only thing i find in my path that will cause a delay to this is that i will have to go and apprentice for about 3-4 years befor i can go in to get my B-pressure ticket so that sort of steps in my way but i am not overly worried about that because i can start as an apprentice any time working for a family friend and be up north by the time im just about twentytwo years old soo i will still be in my young years when i get up there. my alternatives if this dosent work is that i will still head up north and work in the oil sands opperating heavy equipment for like $70 an hour and i hade this in my life plans alredy see i wanted to get my company going and get my employers good at it then i can relax and go run heavy equipment in the oil sands so that way i am still making money on my welding company but also from the oil sands and just do that for the rest of my life and if i do have kids i will retire and hand my company over to one of them posibly, but i do feel pretty good about this journey i plan to take i feel like in some way shape or form it will work out for me in the end and it may be a hard long road ahead of me to do this but i am prepared to work hard and do what needs yo be done to get this plan done but in the end i know i always have places work expeirance and lots of hands on skills i can always fall back on and work my way to the top if every thing was to go to hell in a hand kettel soo i do feel really good at where i am going right now.