Welcome to CTR 3010 "Preparing For Change - Career Readiness"

Time: Anytime!

Location: Anywhere! You can find me @ The HUB (Room 116 - Foothills Composite High School)

Class website: Moodle - CALM@theHUB

Teacher: Mr. Matt Pickering pickeringm@fsd38.ab.ca Office hours: Blocks A and C

Contact info: pickeringm@fsd38.ab.ca

Office hours: Block A, and C @theHUB

Goals and Objectives:

Prerequisite: CTR1010 Job Preparation

Description: Students develop knowledge and skills relating to the changing labour market, and relate these changes to analyzing and refining personal career plans.

General Outcomes

The student will:

  • analyze the role of government and labour unions in relation to employers and employees
  • gather and analyze appropriate labour market information related to selected occupations and incorporate the findings into a personal career plan
  • demonstrate basic competencies.
Specific Outcomes

The student should:

Concept: Employability Skills

  • explain the importance of networking in locating employment opportunities
  • prepare an updated personal résumé
  • complete and present a current personal employment portfolio.

Concept: Expectations, Rights and Responsibilities

  • identify and describe areas of federal, provincial and municipal regulation and control that affect selected businesses and industries
  • identify and describe the role of labour unions and professional associations for employees and employers
  • explain the concept of “labour negotiations” between employees and employers.

Concept: Transition

  • explain why changing jobs is a natural and essential step in pursuing career goals
  • describe the employment patterns that are emerging in relation to:
    • − number of employees
    • − length of employment
    • − location of workers
    • − types of employment
  • identify and describe job retraining programs and further education/training opportunities within a selected occupation(s)
  • demonstrate knowledge and skills in determining when retraining or further education is most appropriate
  • identify and explain how societal factors may affect an occupation
  • identify and discuss some of the major changes that have or are occurring within selected occupation(s)
  • identify sources of current labour market information
  • analyze current labour market information and predictions to identify employment trends within a selected occupation(s)
  • prepare and present a personal career plan that includes a plan for job training and/or post-secondary education.
Last modified: Monday, 31 December 2012, 12:56 PM